Thursday, 31 January 2019


One of my personal goals for my blog this year is to engage a bit more in the bookish community, so when Beth from BooksNest (both her blog and instagram name) created the "I Should Have Read That" tag I knew it was something I'd enjoy doing.

I'm not normally one for feeling guilty over unread books, but there are a few on my TBR pile (both literal and mental) that are causing me to squirm, so this was a good opportunity for me to pull these books out and remind myself why I was so excited about them in the first place!

Tuesday, 29 January 2019


As I mentioned in my 2019 Reading Resolutions, I'm taking the pressure off myself to read a certain amount this year, my only goal is to try and read every day. One side effect of this is hopefully buying fewer books and not spending so much money on things I just never get round to. As a way to track and control this I've split 2019 into quarters of three months each (very business-like I know), and will only buy a number of books I can reasonably expect to read within that time frame. If I get to the end of that stack with time to spare I can pick up something else, otherwise any more book-buying will have to wait until the next quarter.

So I thought I'd share my reading pile for 'Q1' (how corporate) and go through the bits that I'm hoping to finish by the end of March.

Monday, 14 January 2019


For any newcomers to the blog (hi by the way!) I started switching up my makeup collection to all cruelty-free products back in 2017, and I can honestly say I don't regret a thing. I have moments where I wish I could buy a new MAC lipstick, or one of Nars' iconic blushes, but there are so many great cruelty-free bands and products that it's never really a problem.

Today I'm sharing some recent discoveries that I love, and hope to inspire anybody looking to add more cruelty-free goodness to their collection. 

Thursday, 10 January 2019


My reading was a little bit all over the place in 2018. I set a very ambitious goal of 80 books on my Goodreads challenge and, while I got a lot of reading done for my MA, it was such a busy year that my reading-for-funsies ended up slipping by the wayside. It wasn't a total write-off though, I read thirty books in total, discovered the pure joy of walking dogs with audiobooks, rediscovered my love for Terry Pratchett and read some wonderful titles. Now I'm looking ahead into the new year, and making my reading plans. 

Wednesday, 9 January 2019


Hello all! I took a little break over the festive period to restore and refresh a bit, and am really ready to make the most of 2019. During the 'dead days' between  Christmas and New Years I was lucky enough to join my parents in Mijas, a beautiful town in Andalusia, in the south of Spain and thought I would share a few photos. Gotta keep up that #travelblogger aesthetic after all! 
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