Friday, 7 December 2018


I generally hold fairly tightly to the idea that buying material objects, with the idea that they'll somehow improve things in your life, is bollocks. I can't count the amount of times younger-Isabelle would convince herself that this designer bag, beautiful bedding, or luxury skincare product would kickstart some kind of change, and transition me into being a better, more 'adult' version of myself. What a load of nonsense. Needless to say, I remained the same person, with the same positive traits and flaws, but with a new bag, duvet cover or eye cream.

However, I do believe that certain things can facilitate us in making positive changes in our lives, and sometimes creating new habits and healthy patterns can be made easier when we have basic tools for the job. So I'm sharing a few things I'm planning to buy early in the next year, and the changes they will reflect in my 2019 plans.


In 2017 I discovered the zero waste movement, and educated myself on just how dangerous and harmful the average human's consumption and disposal of plastic is to the planet. I've done a lot to reduce my single-use waste, and for around a year I was making really positive changes, using cloth bags when shopping, and showering with solid package free products. But, during my MA, I lived with very little money, and even less time, and some days it was all I could do to shove a plastic microwave meal in the oven. But I'm committed to stepping up my game next year. Takeaway coffee and hot chocolate is a favourite of mine in the cold weather, so I'm going to get myself a KeepCup (finally) to avoid chucking out plastic lined takeaway cups.


I am currently the proud mama of two houseplants, one little cactus that sits on my windowsill and judges the neighbours, and one ENORMOUS succulent that will not stop growing. I love plants, and one of my visions for my future is a home full of greenery and life, however, I have also killed a few in my time. I don't really know much about looking after the various plants, I tend to just water them and hope for the best, and as a result I've had several succulents (and even a supposedly immortal spider plant) wither in my care. I want to buy this Urban Botanics guide to houseplants, so that I can better understand how to nurture my little plant babies, and hopefully help them thrive.


I sometimes feel like I'm the only person who seems to drift through their days. I know that's not true, but I don't like that feeling that I often have - that I'm not working towards anything bigger, that I'm not pushing myself and just coasting. I discovered the Trigg Life Mapper over on Kirsty Leanne's blog and it seems like the perfect tool to help me combat this. The Trigg planner lets you make big goals, and then build an everyday practice around reaching it. It's geared towards fitting the micro to the macro, and allowing yourself space to work towards big things, without every day getting swallowed up in smaller tasks. I have a lot I want to do this year - finish a draft of my NaNo novel, read more, travel, save up for maybe, possibly moving into a new place with Alex so I can actually look at his lovely face every day and we can choose cushions and art together - so I want to live this year with one eye on bigger goals, and build habits into my daily life that will lead me to where I want to be.


This one kinds of sits under the umbrella of the last. I cannot understate how often I settle down with the intention of giving myself some chill out time... and I spent it scrolling through my phone, and social media, or staring at YouTube clip compilations, of shows I've seen a million times, with my eyes glazing over. I am so sick of my books going unread, my yoga mat getting dusty, and my paints just sitting there while I drown myself in the ergh of the infinite scroll. I realise that a salt lamp isn't going to be the answer to this problem on its own, however gorgeous they are, BUT I have a plan. In the New Year I'm going to start a routine of salt lamp on = screens off. When I turn my lamp on in the evening, I will put my phone away, and close my laptop, and actually spend my chill out time in a way that makes me feel recharged and nourished, rather than drained and groggy. 


So this one is a little.. different, and kind of personal. I've wanted a tattoo for a while now, but I've always held off on actually getting something done. After a rough year with my mental health I've come to understand myself a lot more, and realise that I am TERRIFIED of permanence. When I look at my life I realise that I have actively worked to always have an out with whatever I do in my life, not taking opportunities that I couldn't reverse. This attitude helped me for a while, but now it no longer serves me, and I am fucking letting it go. I am no longer going to be scared of big permanent changes, and getting a tattoo will be the ultimate statement to myself.

I haven't settled on a definite idea yet, but I have always loved the concept of yin and yang, and the need for balance in all things. I especially love the way that they are depicted as the two koi fish. Tui and La, in my favourite show of all time, Avatar The Last Airbender. I wouldn't have anything too frivolous, something simple, and maybe geometric, but I don't want to hold myself back from making big changes in my life because I'm scared. I'm better than that.

That's all from me today, but I would love to know what plans you're making for the new year!

Thank you for reading x

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  1. Ooo I've been eyeing up the Keep Cup's as well! :D I don't use plastic much whilst out anymore, but I want to try and cut down on it more throughout 2019!

    I don't accept plastic straws anymore when out and about. :D

    1. I'm the same, I probably won't ever be one of those people that keeps their trash in a mason jar for ten years, but those small steps can make all the difference!

  2. I love all the items in your toolkit. +1,000 to reducing screen time. When I do it, even if just for a few hours in a day, I feel more centered and calm.

    Going to check out the Trigg Life Mapper per your recommendation. Sounds like a great way to keep on track with revising that NaNo Novel!

    As a gal with a few tattoos, my best advice is to take your time on a design and then get a temporary version of it. Leave it on for a few weeks where you think you want it (you can try multiple places, too). I ended up talking myself out of a tattoo I swore I wanted because after a week with a fake, realized it was way too big and not my style at all. Well worth the time invested and money on the fakes, if you ask me :)

    You have a lovely site, by the way! Glad you stopped by mine so I could visit yours!

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Alicia! Your tattoo advice is perfect, I will definitely take it on board. You're right a trial run will help me work out what I want before I make any major changes!


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