Sunday, 25 February 2018


   Crystals are something I've put off talking about for quite some time, mainly because when you engage with the topic of crystals, you tend to be shuffled into one of two camps. Camp one is the lady who accosts you in the New Age shops, draped in shawls and trying to convince you that this lump of orange calcite will somehow cleanse your kidneys. The second camp thinks that crystals are pretty rocks, and that's the end of it, and any claim of crystals having a bearing on your wellbeing is complete crock of shit.

  I sit in a weird little camp in the middle, and very aware that both of these sides can respond strongly to anyone who seems to not align with their particular view of things, but I do also think exploring a middle ground is a useful exercise, and so here we go.

   As I've mentioned before I am a big fan of reason, and empirical evidence, and I am very sceptical of people who dismiss science as if it's some big institution with any agenda beyond learning how the world works. (There is certainly room for a discussion about how science is subject to the same biases and cultural pressures as everything else but that's a discussion for another time.) Because of this the various theories about crystals giving off different vibrations and affecting your body in different ways don't really resonate with me (pun intended..) but I still use crystals to bring about different effects and energies in my life.

      I believe in the power of my own psyche, and particularly the brain's receptiveness to the influence of symbolic objects. Like lucky underwear or a childhood teddy bear, even the most inert objects become powerhouses when an individual imbues them with personal meaning and significance. The human mind is infinitely complex, and it LOVES symbolism and ritual, and if somebody decides that a piece of green flourite will help them focus if they put it on their desk whenever they study, then it will. The placebo effect is well documented, and the use of crystals in this way, as symbols for healing, wellbeing and personal protection, transcends time and culture.

   I'm someone who suffers a lot from anxiety and self doubt, which often manifests as thoughts like "you lucked into a postgrad degree and are entirely incapable of succeeding in academia," and (an old favourite) "just so you know, your friends, family and boyfriend actually all secretly hate you, and hold big parties without you just to talk about how glad they are that you're not there." I'm being hyperbolic but you get the idea. For me, things like my anxiety are big, nebulous, ever changing concepts that are hard to really grasp hold of and deal with, and for me, crystals genuinely help with this.

  The crystals pictured in this post are a piece of orange calcite, rose quartz and an amethyst cluster, all crystals that for me act as physical manifestations of non-physical concepts, (creative determination, the love I have in my life, and a calm clarity of mind respectively.) I use them simply by keeping them in my presence when I need them, and using them as a focus point for meditation or journaling, using the object as a physical site that I can come to to work through things. And, because each time I use them I work on creating the same effect, they then take on that symbolism, and then simply having them around can have the effect I need. When I buy a crystal, I choose one with the intention of imbuing it with a specific purpose and function, and I use the traditional crystal meanings (rose quartz for love for example) simply as a guideline. It's all about intention, and allowing things to work for you, and crystals are cheap, pretty and accessible, and have a wealth of cultural and historical clout that can add to how effective they can be for someone.

  I'm not telling anybody that crystals are a replacement for things like medication, and therapy and frankly, I think anyone who touts crystals as an absolute and complete substitute for actual medical care should be put in a sack and dropped down a well. No shade to anyone who does go in for the Crystals vibration theories either, the absence of evidence does not mean the evidence of absence.

  For me crystals are part of my own personal witchy toolkit, and are a way for me to exert some control over my anxiety through tangible objects I can actually hold and feel. I can decorate my spaces with physical representations of my ability to overcome the things that hold me back, and reminders that that magic is already in me.

  If you're into crystals, or if you really really aren't, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on them. I think there's always room for respectful disagreement, especially as it is literally some rocks guys.

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Your amethyst is so pretty! I want an amethyst cluster like that. Right now I just have a solid chunk. And I actually also have an orange calcite and a rose quartz! I think I sit more on the "these are really pretty and look nice on my bookshelf" group, lol! I would love to say that they have brought me good fortune and good blah blah but I feel like they haven't, although I think deep down I feel like I am stopping the crystals from working because of the little doubt I have. Does that make sense? I would love to read more about them but for now I just enjoy collecting them because I think they're so pretty and honestly I just think they're cool! I don't meditate much with them (or at all) but I really should start!

    1. Thanks for your comment! And that totally makes sense, I think ultimately any 'power' that crystals have is something we give them. So my rose quartz is essentially given the job of reminding me that people in my life love me, and that my relationships are sources of joy and inspiration. I don't think it does that because woooo magiiiic, but because I've decided it will! So yeah I know what you mean, I think crystals are powerful when we decide that we are powerful enough to make them so :D


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